मानसी गोयल

Name the BROKEN game.

Shed inflicted shame.

Walk your own wild path.

All in sisterhood.











BESHARAM (shameless)

BAAT (talk; happening)

Plunge into shameless talk amongst women of the South Asian diaspora. Speak your heart truly and witness others deeply. Feel seen, heard, and joined.
Uplift each other and claim our own power.








Besharam Baat

who’s it for?

Those who identify and present, in whole or in part, as womyn and South Asian* in the diaspora. Who are willing to engage fully through their mind, heart, body, and spirit.

*South Asia here refers to Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives.

what we do

We explore key themes through discussion, reflection, storytelling, poetry, meditation, and movement. We connect with each other one-on-one and as a group.

We gain insight, solidarity, and ways to stay tethered to our truest selves.

We share our joys and struggles with cultural identity, personal aspirations, family expectations, career ambitions, romance, friendship and more, all under the pressure of both assimilating into Western society and preserving our heritage.

Sign up below to learn about Spring 2024 gatherings.

what it costs

A tax-deductible donation of $250-500 made directly to Wildlife SOS (Indian wildlife rescue) or Maitri (supports South Asian survivors of domestic violence).

Choose one or split your donation between both via the fundraising links above or email your receipt(s) to confirm enrollment. As a longtime volunteer-donor, I'm confident of the integrity and impact of these charities.

Request (or offer!) a scholarship during registration.

This offer is a labor of love and, as part of your participation in it, I ask for your generous support of those in our broader community who need it.


When I first arrived in America at the age of nine, I felt lost. Everything unexpectedly changed: my home, language, food, customs, and even the people who raised me. Only my name was familiar. To cope, I threw myself into learning the new ‘rules of the game’, hoping that winning by them would earn me more freedom. Instead, I internalized the rules and my ‘wins’ only left me self-alienated and disenchanted.

By my mid-30s, I was burnt out. I walked away from my executive role in tech and wandered in the wasteland of my soul. I was unsure I’d ever find my way through but, with practice and grace, I began to heal from my most wretched experiences. I realized the root of my pain is the oppressive conditioning of both my adopted land and my motherland. I also discovered a potent antidote to colonialism and patriarchy: the ancient bond between my ancestry and the wilderness.

Now, my purpose is to re-enchant my life and re-wild this world. The organizations I support here prioritize the sovereignty of the women and wilderness of South Asia. To be free from the encroachments of patriarchy, I’m committed to exposing its oppressive game and healing its inflicted shame. This space is the sisterhood I've long yearned for so I can walk my own wild path without having to be alone on it.

— Mansi














sign up below for announcement of Spring 2024 dates.

Three sessions, each on Zoom from 4:00pm - 5:30pm PST.

The themes of our upcoming journey:

Ancestry and Identity

We unearth what we do/don’t know of our lineage and how we can anchor in our ancestry without being bound by it.

Earning Acceptance

We lay bare our silly and successful strategies to earn our belonging, and we explore how these may hold us back.

Inhabiting Worthiness

We open ourselves to uncertainty and reach for something primal to which we have always belonged.

Curious about our next event?

By signing up you agree to recieve very rare emails about this journey.
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A.I. image inspired by the brilliant work of Eduardo Kobra